Professional photographs for your website and digital marketing use.

Present your venture to everyone with genuine, high-resolution images of your crew, premises, merchandise, customers and events.

In order to grab the attention of your audience online, it is crucial to make use of high-quality images. Recent professionally taken photos of your team and premises can construct trust. To strengthen your website and digital marketing visual narrative capabilities, a collection of high-resolution photos should include events, lifestyle and corporate photography.

Rich-quality photographs of products is a huge component in promoting eCommerce conversions (increasing consumers purchase impulse by 3x). On top of that, consumers will be more likely to share on their social media page (Estimated 150% more shares) with relevant images.

If that is so, then why use those dull stock photos?

Lively images aid people to identify you and what you represent. It’s proven that individuals who acquire information by ears are only likely to retain memory 10% of that info 3 days later — as compared to retaining 65% of the info 3 days later when shown with a relevant photo or image.

With years of professional photography experience, shooting people or products that grab our clients’ individual personality, produce customer engagement and highlight product details. Since meeting every single potential online prospect in person is close to impossible, hence, it is definitely important to create a strong first impression by utilizing professional and high-resolution photographs.

Whether you need a fresh collection of images of your business premises, workplace, executive team and delightful customers, or having an large scale corporate function that you want to record and distribute, our in-house photographer can catch these unique moments and details for you.

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Are Professional Photography Services Affordable?


Other than an hourly rate or shoot fee, most of the professional photographers charge their services based on per image or contract images per usage. Unlike most, we charge a flat rate for full-day or half-day shoots — and our clients get to have all images with full usage rights. When it comes to how to best utilize these images, our photographers will work to edit photos to top quality, and our graphic design crew will put them to good use.

And if you’re one of our digital marketing clients, your Vital digital marketing team will have immediate access to your library of photos, so we can put these high-quality images to work in your digital marketing strategy right away.

On top of that, if you are a client that uses our digital marketing services, our crew will have immediate entry to your collection of images. Having that access allows us to immediately make use of these high-quality photos in your digital marketing strategy.

Our photography services include:

  • Full-day or half-day photo shoots with all equipment provided
  • Professional camera and lens kits
  • Professional lighting setup
  • Single-shooter and multi-shooter choices
  • Photo editing, color correction and retouching
  • Complete photo library access with full usage rights
  • Photo metadata to SEO best practices
  • Photo library hosting

We have experience shooting all types of professional photos for our clients, including:

  • Corporate team photography
  • Product photography
  • Commercial photography
  • Event photography
  • Location and architectural photography
  • Lifestyle photography
  • Food photography
  • Social media photography

Why Whacko Media?

We target to deliver smashing photos coupled with outstanding services to our customers. From the first contact to the release of final photos, our team and production crew strive to go beyond our customers’ expectations on every project. We are confident with our house style and the fast delivery time as well as consistently provide high-quality images that our customers can depend on.

Our photographers put their individual aristic vision on the table, working and sharing new concepts and ideas among themselves. Helping and pushing each other to progress, motivating and conclusiviely striving together as a team to be at the top of their game.

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